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Dr. Margit Dieminger
Allgemeine Schulpflicht erfüllt (9 Schuljahre auf einer allgemeinbildenden Schule)
Sprachniveau Deutsch B1
1 Jahr oder 2 Jahre
mit/oder AVdual-Abschluss
Flexibler Einstieg möglich (z.B. nach Ausbildungsabbruch)
Bestehender Hauptschulabschluss kann wiederholt und verbessert werden.
AVdual = duale Ausbildungsvorbereitung
Das Berufsvorbereitungsjahr AVdual ermöglicht dir eine praxisnahe Vorbereitung auf dein späteres Berufsleben. Hier legst du den Grundstein für eine erfolgreiche Zukunft und erarbeitest dir neben berufspraktischen Kompetenzen deinen Hauptschulabschluss.
Im Schulalltag legen wir hier an der Kilian-von-Steiner Schule sehr viel Wert auf lebensweltnahes und praxisorientiertes Lernen. So erwartet dich neben deinen Hauptfächern wie Mathe, Deutsch, Englisch ein abwechslungsreiches und spannendes Ganztagesprogramm. Die wöchentlich stattfindenden Praktikumstage sowie die Lenfeldprojekte in den Bereichen: Metall, Holz und Technik bieten dir zusätzlich einen abwechslungsreichen Schulalltag und viel Raum für praxisnahes, berufsbezogenes Erleben.
Eine weitere Besonderheit der Schulart AVdual ist die individuelle Betreuung. So begleiten dich auf deinem Weg neben deinen Lehrern auch dein persönlicher Lernberater und ein AVdual-Begleiter.
Zusammen arbeiten wir dann an deinen Zukunftszielen und deinem erfolgreichen Start ins Berufsleben.
dual preparation for an apprenticeship
This dual preparation offers a framework to support student to further develop their personalities and therefore offers an extensive prevention measures which go beyond standard school routines.
Different projects, which are accompanied by a teacher, a coach and varying external cooperation partners, are scheduled on Monday afternoons.
The main focus of the projects is to holistically invigorate the students’ personalities. By initiating and supporting the students’ self-organization their indepence is encouraged. A coordinated concept with varied offers by internal and external partners adrresses the students to support their emotional, social and cognitive progress.
Adventure-based education and athletic activities are to show students their strenghts as well as their weaknesses. They learn to accept their limits and those of their fellow students.
At the end of each school year our school we cooperate with the local community school to take actions to facilitate the transition from community school to vocational schools.
This dual preparation offers a framework to support student to further develop their personalities and therefore offers an extensive prevention measures which go beyond standard school routines.
Different projects, which are accompanied by a teacher, a coach and varying external cooperation partners, are scheduled on Monday afternoons.
The main focus of the projects is to holistically invigorate the students’ personalities. By initiating and supporting the students’ self-organization their indepence is encouraged. A coordinated concept with varied offers by internal and external partners adrresses the students to support their emotional, social and cognitive progress.
Adventure-based education and athletic activities are to show students their strenghts as well as their weaknesses. They learn to accept their limits and those of their fellow students.
At the end of each school year our school we cooperate with the local community school to take actions to facilitate the transition from community school to vocational schools.